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12 Most Attractive Physical Features of a Woman

Everyone can immediately cite the one or two things they find the most attractive in the opposite sex. However, when we stop and think about it, we often realize that the things we find attractive are much more than just one or two – even if we prioritize some physical attributes over others, we still like lots of different things in the people we’re attracted to. So, what are the 12 most attractive physical features of a woman for most men? 

1. Skin

Men often focus a lot on women’s skin as a mark of their attractiveness and health. This is kind of ironic, considering how poorly most men look after their own skin, even though women love men with good skin too.

In either case, a person’s skin is expected to be smooth, clean, and healthy. Many people love hairless skin, although this can depend on the person and on the part of the body. The preferred color of the skin can also vary greatly, depending on the person.

2. Eyes

There is something magical about a beautiful woman’s eyes. While they are not an inherently sexual physical feature, there is a reason why the eyes are the window to the soul – they are what we look at the most while interacting with each other, they tell us much about what the other person is thinking and feeling, and they are one of the centerpieces of the face. More importantly, however, they can simply be incredibly beautiful – almost like a pair of gemstones on a person’s face in some cases.

3. Lips

Lips are a huge erotic zone for both men and women, and are usually seen as the second most important physical features on a woman’s face – at least the second feature we look at the most when talking with each other. Naturally, lips are also what we kiss and kiss with, and they play a huge part in lovemaking. And, unlike most other sexual characteristics of women, their lips are almost always at full display.

4. Hair

Hair has long been considered to be incredibly feminine in most cultures – so much so that it’s expected for most men to cut their hair so that they aren’t perceived as feminine. Of course, this isn’t the case across all cultures and people, but more often than not, hair is seen as incredibly appealing on women more so than on men.

A woman’s hair is expected to look healthy, shiny, and well-maintained, however. Of course, every man has his preference about the hairstyle, length, and color. Those who love dark and curly hair often look for African or Latina women, those who love straight black care often prefer Asian women, and men who like blonde hair look for Eastern or Northern European women such as Scandinavian or Polish mail order brides. Of course, you don’t always need to find a Polish wife or a Latina abroad, as many live in the US too.

5. Nose

Many men don’t consider a woman’s nose an attractive physical feature until they stumble upon a woman with a nose they’d consider unattractive. In essence, the nose is the “silent factor” of the beauty of a woman’s face – it’s right at the center of it all, and it has a huge influence over the face’s structure and beauty, yet it’s not the first thing we consider when listing women’s most attractive features.

6. Breasts

This was probably the first thing in most people’s minds, as men’s love for women’s breasts is talked about basically ad nauseam in the media. However, it’s a bit of a myth that all men just love women’s breasts to be as big as possible. Many men prefer women with smaller breasts, and the majority seem to like women with average or slightly above-average breasts.

Instead, it’s more accurate to say that most men like breasts that look good on the particular woman – breasts that are just right for her height and body size, breasts that look healthy and are fairly plumb, and so on.

Besides, larger breasts can lead to a lot of health problems in women. So, if we take people’s attractiveness to be an intuitive expression of what we find healthy, it’s not all that surprising that most men prefer average-sized breasts.

7. Buttocks

“Breasts or butts” is one of the most common questions among men when discussing women’s features. While most of pop culture and media used to overemphasize women’s breasts for decades, butts get more and more attention recently. That’s more than understandable, especially considering that they are technically more pivotal to most sexual acts than breasts.

8. Legs

Another huge contender is women’s legs. Whether you are into breasts or butts, everyone loves women with long and beautiful legs. In fact, it’s not so much the length of the legs, but the relative length compared to the rest of the woman’s body. After all, there are short women with longer legs, and taller women with shorter legs. The exact torso-to-legs ratios can vary, but legs are usually expected to be between 45% and 50% of a woman’s height.

9. Waist to hips ratio

According to statistics, a waist to hips ratio of 0.67 to 0.80 is normal for healthy women. For healthy men, the ratio is between 0.80 to 0.95. For most Western men and women, the most attractive ratio for men is 0.90, and for women - 0.7. For other cultures and ethnicities, however, the most attractive ratio can be higher or lower, depending on the case.

It’s also worth noting that the waist to hips ratio usually increases a bit with age, as well as with each subsequent pregnancy. In other words, 1) you can’t expect your partner’s waist to hips ratio to always stay consistent, 2) if they were already near the upper end of the ratio, you can expect them to go over it after a while, and 3) if they were near the lower end of the ratio, you can expect them to stay within it for a longer period of time.

10. Feet

Folks often joke about people with feet fetishes, but you don’t have to be a fetishist to appreciate beautiful feet. Women with dainty, smooth, and relatively small feet are often seen as incredibly beautiful, even if most men only express that admiration in the bedroom.

11. Hands

Similar to feet, small and dainty hands are a huge turn-on for many men, even if they themselves don’t realize it at first. Small hands with relatively long fingers that are neither too narrow nor too thick, and that end with beautiful nails make many men excited and surprised at how much they like that physical feature.

12. Neck

Many men love women with longer necks, although it’s not often the precise length of the neck that does it, but how long it appears to be. The woman’s jawline, cheekbones, shoulders, clothes, head shape, and even her hair style can all make her neck appear longer or shorter than it really is.

This is why a big part of women’s fashion circles around either emphasizing or concealing her neck. On average, any person’s neck is as long as their hand is wide – around 4 inches or ~10 centimeters. This isn’t all that precise of a measuring unit, of course, as people’s hand sizes vary too, but that’s accepted as the average.

As to why men find women’s necks attractive – the neck is both a very key erotic zone, and it can simply be incredibly elegant and beautiful.


Women are called “the fair sex” for a reason. Even if different men have different preferences on some physical features over others, or on the exact measurements of these features (larger or smaller, etc.), there is no denying that all 12 of the features above are widely seen as incredibly important to a woman’s attractiveness.

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