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A Letter From a Reader Re: All Points Storage

To Irving Residents:
I am writing to tell the leaders and residents of Irving about a cheater and scammer who has a towing business in Irving and inform them NOT to ever use All Points Storage!  I am a Dallas resident but, after getting another car, I gave my old one to my daughter who lives in Irving.  Her manager recently had that car towed away by All Points Storage.  I received the towing notice 2 days later on Saturday with charges of $156 for towing, $50 charge to send the notice and $20 plus tax for each day of storage with payment in cash only.  There was a phone no. and an address at 110 Strickland Plaza on the notice.  I googled to get the location and the computer had the same no. as the notice for that tow yard.  I called that number many times from Saturday though Tuesday but always got the same message that "Either the code or the number is not correct." 

I came to Irving that Tuesday night and spent four hours until midnight trying to find Strickland Plaza.  I asked many people where it was, who also tried to find it on their I-Phones, and then went to your police station on O'Connor.  The policeman on duty that night also googled for the address and called the number listed on the notice but got no response, saying, "You're right, that number is not correct."  I then went to the intersection of Nursery and E. Irving Blvd., the nearest spot shown on maps, to a 7-11 store asking for help but no one knew where the place was.  A policeman soon came in and said he would lead me to it but no one was there.  The sign posted on the fence around the yard had the same number as on the notice but also another number which I called.  I got a response that time and told the owner I would be back in Irving the next afternoon to get my car. 
I was told to call him after I arrived so had to wait for him when I got to his office shack at 1 p.m. Wednesday.  I was extremely angry because he did not have a correct number on his notice or in the computer so my car was there 7 days.   When he got to his shack office at the towyard, he insisted I dialed the wrong number, but I told him the policeman had even called him and said it isn't correct.  He insisted that it was and used his cell to call it, and the phone rang that time.  He deliberately doesn't advertise his personal number so he can keep peoples' cars much longer and charge a lot more until owners come to the towyard get their cars.  
That towman should be put out of business for fleecing the public, most of whom need their cars badly and can't afford to pay his "scams"!  I had to pay nearly $500 to get back my car and didn't get back to my home until late that evening, costing me a lot of extra gas, car wear and tear, many cell minutes, lost income from my part-time job and much time and trouble.  I am a Senior Citizen on a limited income with an invalid son to care for and a handicapped daughter with a disabled husband to help.  Cheaters and liars should NOT BE ALLOWED TO GET BY WITH SCAMS LIKE THAT!!
A Dallas Resident

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