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How to Protect Your Business Data in 7 Simple Steps?


A cybercrime or attack is essentially a violation of personal security and cyber safety. Hackers gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, including customer details. However, this doesn't mean that a successful attack on your business is unavoidable. There are simple, cost-effective, and timely measures you can take to safeguard your business from cyber-attacks.

#1 Encrypt Business Data

Hackers can breach defenses and find ways to bypass firewalls or deceive individuals with phishing email attachments. However, in order to sell or misuse data, they must be able to read it.

Encrypting data is the most effective defense against security breaches. Even if hackers manage to access and steal vast amounts of customer data, an encrypted database renders it useless. Without the encryption key, even successful hackers are left with incomprehensible gibberish.

The best approach is to embrace continuous encryption. Microsoft supports encryption and offers user-friendly solutions for encrypting various aspects of your business operations, such as email at rest and in transit. For comprehensive protection, the Azure Information Protection service is available, safeguarding everything from documents to data storage with different tiers of security. The best part is that Azure Information Protection is included in the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security package.

Important! Encrypting data on the device is not the same as encrypting it in transit. In both cases, different security risks apply. To encrypt data in transit, try VeePN, a powerful VPN service. It offers military-grade 256-bit encryption that will prevent anyone from intercepting your business data.

#2 Never Store Passwords

Passwords are a major headache when it comes to network security. There's an ongoing debate on whether mixed-character passwords are stronger than long phrase passwords. However, everyone agrees that how you store your passwords is as important as their strength. For instance, never ever keep a plain text record of your passwords anywhere. But the biggest risk currently is storing passwords in your internet browser. Sure, it's convenient, but convenience always comes at the expense of security. Your browser conveniently opens and logs you into everything with just a single click. This means that anyone at your desk or with a synced device of yours can easily access all your accounts. If you really need to store passwords because there are too many to remember, consider using Keeper, Microsoft's secure password manager vault.

#3 Clear Out Old Data

Many companies store data on multiple internal servers and third-party hosts, often losing track of the amount of stored, backed up, archived, or forgotten data. To avoid this, it's important to conduct an annual data audit and remove old, useless data. If you want to preserve historical use cases, make sure to remove any identifying data and retain only the survey information you wish to keep on record.

#4 Network Monitoring

Just like encryption, network monitoring is a security measure that helps combat malware, even when it's hidden in the system. Network monitoring pays close attention to all the fundamentals, providing you with in-depth information. It can inform you about the temperature of your servers or the number of packets that have passed through your gateways. When properly configured, it can detect abnormal resource usage, network behavior, or communication with the internet that might indicate the presence of malware.

#5 Secure Wi-Fi Networks

When devices connect to your company's WiFi network, they can communicate with the hub and other devices. It's crucial to ensure that only authorized individuals within range can connect. Although password protection adds some level of security, if everyone on your staff knows the password, it's not exactly a secret.

The most secure solution for both company and employee WiFi devices is to approve them individually. This not only prevents unauthorized access from hackers and unknown devices but also safeguards against new employee devices that may be infected. Also, no one from your company should access your network through public Wi-Fi. There is also an easier solution - use free VPN Firefox, which eliminates the risks of public Wi-Fi. The whole problem with public networks is that all data can be easily intercepted, but if it is encrypted, then it does not matter.

#6 Device and Screen Locks


Remember, employee computers and devices aren't always attended to. Unfortunately, most people forget to log out of their company applications when taking breaks or setting aside their phones. That's why device locks and screen locks are crucial for maintaining security. Just a simple unlock pin can deter opportunistic spying. Ensure that company screens and devices automatically lock after a short idle time. By implementing multiple layers to safeguard your business data, you make it more secure. The more security measures you have in place, the lower the risk of accidental breaches.

#7 Remote Device Wiping

Employee devices inevitably contain or have access to company information. Whether the device is automatically logged into the company cloud or stores private documents locally, it is considered secure only while in your employee's possession. If they report it stolen, lost, or even borrowed, you may need the capability to remotely wipe it. To do this, you must set up the app in advance. Therefore, ensure that each employee's personal device is equipped and permissions are signed before any incidents occur. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is one tool available for remotely wiping devices if the need arises.


Protecting your business from cyber attacks is no joke. If you fall victim to a cybercrime, it can cost you thousands of dollars to bounce back and resume operations. In the worst-case scenario, it can even spell the end for your business, as recovery from the losses may prove impossible. However, the silver lining is that there's a range of cyber insurance options at your disposal.

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