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Photographer taking photos of single women and men for online dating ads at Las Colinas during October

Morgan Carlisle of Shots For Singles™ LLC is now offering a new twist to online dating - taking photos of single men and women and helping them write their ads in ways that have proven to get better results.

The business started after a friend who was familiar with Morgan's photography asked her to take several photos for the friend's online dating ad. Word spread and Morgan realized the potential of helping others in their online dating adventures.

After becoming curious and wanting to learn the best way to photograph someone for an online ad, Morgan discovered research done by several online dating web sites that analyzed their customer’s photos and the use of certain language in ads and how it affected whether or not someone would see a person’s photo, read their ad and then respond to it. This changed the way Morgan photographs people and how she helps them craft their ad. 

According to Pew Internet and American Life Project, at least 20 million people access online dating sites every month and 31% of adults say they know someone who has used an online dating service. "My friends have shared their horror stories, but for the most part, I’ve met quality people. I figured I must be doing something right and that I could help other people." 

Response to the business has been positive. "Single men have said they appreciate objective feedback from a woman's perspective and single women have responded to being able to share their online dating experiences without judgment – in the end, everyone just wants to meet someone and be happy.”

There are several photography and editing sessions scheduled during October:

Sunday, October 16th at Las Colinas
Saturday, October 22nd at Deep Ellum

For more information, visit or contact Morgan at 817-422-4979.

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